Recovery your mind, refine your technique, rethink for 2011, we are at off season!
But keep the training!!
Laguna Phuket Triathlon
The race recap for November is on Laguna Phuket Triathlon!
This is one of the world famous race attracting many good triathletes around the world to do this end of season race every year, of course including Sonic! Here are some highlight:
- It was raining in race day, chill weather for running but very dangerous on the steep rolling bike courses.
- We saw a few big jelly fishes in the swim course but nobody got sting, thanks for the solution from Sebastien!
- Very slippy road, lot of fall, including the men PRO 1st runner up, and also Sonic Frederic, and Gigi....
- The happiest Sonic Triathletes should be Sebastien for the PB, Gabriel, Su-Mei, Gigi and our new member Tim for the first time LPT finisher.
- The unlucky Sonic Triathlete is Gigi - well trained, but crashed twice on the danger yellow flag zone, however still managed to finish, another unlucky boy is Frederic - crashed and DNF....hope your wound in speedy recovery.
- The most craziest Sonic Triathlete: Michal and Charles who became podium topless dancers in the post race party, I will also put Andy Patrick name here if he register with Sonic next year.
Let's wait and see who will be the first Sonic to register LPT in 2011??
Membership Renewal
Reminding everyone here to send me the renewal form and payment for Sonic, Tri-HK and HKAAA for 2011, please see my previous email for detail.
Tri-HK Award
18 Dec, 3pm at Olympic House, HK Stadium.
Tri-HK (HKTriA) will run AGM for annual Tri-A awards for TriA races series (Duathlon, Aquathon, Triathlon) and also the overall club ranking.
Thank you very much for all members participation and racing for the club.
Sonic Sports remain the 3rd overall Triathlon club in Tri-HK ranking after Energetic and Titan.
In the afternoon, individual awards from Tri-HK will also present to some of our top Sonic Triathletes such as Michal, Eric, YingHo, Stephanie, Michael and Susana.
Let's share the joy and see everyone there!
Tri-HK AGM and commitee electionPart of the AGM of Tri-HK will run the election for committee.
The list of nominatees for Executive Commitee will be announced before the AGM, please go to for information.
Sonic End of Season Party!!
Okay reading this line you must be keen Team Sonic Triathletes!At last! Reminding everyone 18 of December, coming Saturday evening for the Sonic End of Season party!
And don't forget your SUPERHERO outfit means RED SPEEDO, blue T-shirt, blue legging and red boots!!
Date: 18 December 2010
Venue: My Home (not literally, well, maybe the lucky few might get that chance ;))
Address: 3/F, 510 Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Time: 7pm - Midnight (and beyond for the people who are still standing)
Price: HK$200 (includes food, unlimited soft drinks, unlimited wine and beer), HK$250 at the doorWhat to do next?!
Send $200 payment to Charles or Kenneth, so we got the count.
And Gigi and Kenneth is working hard for lot of GOODIES for lucky draw!!
We gonna have some fun in that evening! (no Sunday training on 19 Dec)
Sonic is 7th years old.